

We are a premier pan-African tech conference designed to ignite bold and breakthrough ideas across the continent. It's more than just a conference; it's a mission to foster collaboration and empower Africa's brightest minds to tackle the continent's unique challenges through innovative solutions.

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Welcome to TechEconomy Media & Events

At TechEconomy Media & Events, we are dedicated to bringing together the worlds of technology and economics. Our mission is to create platforms where innovators, industry leaders, policymakers, and entrepreneurs can connect, collaborate, and drive forward-thinking solutions to today’s most pressing challenges.

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Who we are

At Techeconomy Media & Events, we are dedicated to bringing together the worlds of technology and economics. Our mission is to create platforms where innovators, industry leaders, policymakers, and entrepreneurs can connect, collaborate, and drive forward-thinking solutions to today’s most pressing challenges.

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Event Organization

We specialize in organizing high-impact events that focus on the intersection of technology and economic growth.

Media and Coverage

As a leading media hub, we offer extensive coverage of Techeconomy events and related industry news.

Networking and Collaboration

We believe in the power of connections. Our events are designed to foster meaningful interactions among attendees, providing ample opportunities for networking and collaboration.

About us



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      Benn Marshall

At Techeconomy Media & Events, we are dedicated to bringing together the worlds of technology, business and economics. Our mission is to create platforms where innovators, industry leaders, policymakers, and entrepreneurs can connect, collaborate, and drive forward-thinking solutions to today’s most pressing challenges.

We believe that the convergence of technology, business and economics holds the key to addressing global issues such as sustainable development, digital transformation, and inclusive growth. By fostering an environment of knowledge sharing and collective problem-solving, we aim to unlock the potential of technological advancements to create a more equitable and prosperous future.

our upcoming events

Join us at our next event and become part of a vibrant community that is shaping the future. Stay connected through our media channels for the latest insights and updates in the tech economy space.